女優の斉藤由貴が17日、都内で行われた映画「マッチング」(2月23日公開)の完成披露試写会に主演の土屋太鳳、Snow Man・佐久間大介らと出席した。



 それを踏まえつつ「これは別に皮肉って言ってるわけでもなくて、今とてもいろいろな意味でエンターテインメント業界は窮屈だと思うけど、私にとってはとても気持ちの良い経験でした。私は素晴らしい経験だと思ってるし、面白くて鍛えられた」と振り返った。 会場も騒然となったが、佐久間は「すごいヴァイオレンスな感じですね!」とハイテンションで返し、斉藤らキャストを笑わせていた。

On February 17, actress Yuki Saito attended the completion announcement preview of the movie "Matching" (released on February 23) in Tokyo with leading actors Tao Tsuchiya and Daisuke Sakuma of Snow Man.

 In reference to the film, which is based on a matching app, Saito was asked about fateful encounters in his life. "I'm sure I had countless important encounters," he prefaced his answer with, "It was 30 years ago, but there was a movie called 'Snow Break (Passion). It was a great encounter with the director Shinji Somai, who is now deceased.

 Looking back on those days, he said, "It seems unthinkable now, but (Somai) was a director who always carried a square timber or a bamboo sword to the set. He would hit me if I was lukewarm in my acting. He also revealed a Showa episode: "I was never called by my name. Basically, I was called 'scum' or 'trash.

 In light of this, he added, "I'm not saying this sarcastically, but I think the entertainment industry is very tight in many ways now, but for me it was a very pleasant experience. I think it's a great experience, and it was interesting and it was a good workout," he recalled. The audience was also in an uproar, but Sakuma responded in high spirits, "It's so violently exciting! and replied in high spirits, making Saito and the rest of the cast laugh.