「大見得を切った後に『性行為を目的として飲み会をセッティングした事実は一切ありません』というコメントが続きますが、これが最悪の一手でした。『性行為を目的として飲み会をセッティング』って、何のためにそんなコメントを出したの? ずばり後ろめたさがあったからです。







After the "grand gesture," he followed up with the comment, "There is absolutely no fact that we set up drinking parties for the purpose of sexual activity," which was the worst move he could have made. What was the purpose of such a comment, 'setting up a drinking party for the purpose of sexual intercourse'? It was because I felt guilty.

He should have said, "I have never set up a drinking party," but he couldn't say that, so he used the superfluous phrase, "for the purpose of sexual intercourse. Ozawa's side also destroyed themselves with their words.

Thus, Ozawa's tough attitude quickly faded, and he was forced to immediately declare a suspension of his activities.

Matsumoto's suspension was for the sake of the court battle, and it can be taken as a statement that he will not return to work until the court case is over, but with Ozawa's suspension, I don't see any opportunity to resume his activities.

Matsumoto can afford to retire at any time, but comedians in Ozawa's class are not that wealthy. I think he will have a more difficult time than Matsumoto.

Both Matsumoto and Ozawa have announced that they are suspending their activities and have retreated backstage,

I don't think there is much chance that they will make any new comments.


I am one of them, but comedians always make a living by showing how they have become clowns, especially rakugo storytellers, who are the best at it, and turn the most embarrassing parts of their lives into a laugh. In my case, the morning show "Good Luck" was cancelled after a year and a half due to low ratings, I became a movie director and made nothing but movies in the genre of "bad movies," I was fired as a judge of M1 in the name of courage, I am talking about politics even though I am ignorant, I am on fire, I am a foolish parent of a young child even though I am 60 years old. He is also known to the world as a foolish parent of a young child in spite of his 60th birthday, and wears hysteric glamour even though it doesn't suit him.