


モリー大学医学部の皮膚科教授兼学科長であるRobert Swerlick医学博士は、他の皮膚疾患に一般的に使用される適応外治療を引き合いに出して、「(皮膚科医として)行うほとんどのことは適応外です」とタイムズ紙に語った。


Minoxidil, a drug typically used topically to treat hair loss, is beginning to gain popularity as an oral medication for the same reason. Some dermatologists say that oral medications regrow hair more nicely (and for less money) than commonly used methods.

This news comes on the heels of a recent New York Times article highlighting the use of low-dose oral minoxidil pills, which are relatively unknown by both patients and doctors.

Prescribing the drug in this manner is what is known as off-label use. Minoxidil is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the topical treatment of hair loss (it is the active ingredient in Rogaine), but it is not approved for oral use for hair loss. However, the drug is FDA approved for oral treatment of hypertension.

Robert Swerlick, M.D., professor and chair of the department of dermatology at Emory University School of Medicine, told the Times that "most things we do (as dermatologists) are off-label," citing off-label treatments commonly used for other skin conditions.

Here's what you need to know about using minoxidil orally for hair loss and how to tell your dermatologist about it.










The use of low-dose oral minoxidil for hair loss comes from side effects of higher doses of the drug used to treat high blood pressure.

In clinical trials of Loniten (oral minoxidil for blood pressure treatment), approximately 80% of patients experienced hypertrichosis, or "increased elongation, thickening, and hyperpigmentation of body hair. Hair regrowth usually developed within 3 to 6 weeks of treatment initiation.

However, the hair growth was not permanent, and within one to six months of discontinuing treatment, the hair growth ceased and the patient's appearance returned to its pre-treatment state.

In the use of low-dose minoxidil tablets specifically for hair loss, Rodney Sinclair, M.D., professor of dermatology at the University of Melbourne, published a pilot study on the topic in 2017, which made the finding.

According to Dr. Sinclair, who spoke to the Times, one of his female patients developed a rash on her scalp after using Rogaine. He ended up giving her a very low dose of minoxidil orally, eventually determining that one-fortieth of a pill was the correct dose, which promoted hair growth but did not affect her blood pressure. According to Dr. Sinclair, that same patient continues to take the medication today.

And Dr. Sinclair is not alone in prescribing oral minoxidil for hair loss.

It's "just starting to surge in popularity," Crystal Agu, M.D., associate professor of dermatology at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, told the Times. 'There are more and more success stories being shared at conferences.'

Joshua Zeichner, M.D., director of cosmetic and clinical research in the Department of Dermatology at Mount Sinai Hospital, told Health, "Very low-dose oral minoxidil is emerging as a common treatment for thinning hair." However, he added, "I personally prescribe other topical and oral therapies first."

And that's not the only thing you should try if you are trying to fight hair loss. I always use this medication in conjunction with other treatments," Dr. Goldenberg said.

最近の研究では、低用量の経口ミノキシジル(OM)が、男性型脱毛症(MPHL)や女性型脱毛症(FPHL)など、多くの毛髪障害の安全で効果的な治療法であることが示されています。OMには、その局所製剤に対するいくつかの実用的な利点があります:化粧品の強化、コスト削減、およびカモフラージュに使用される他の局所製剤または局所との併用療法の可能性。この治療法は、局所ミノキシジルまたは他の全身治療に耐えられない患者に特に役立つ可能性があります。.FPHLには毎日0.25〜1.25 mgの範囲の用量が通常使用され、MPHLには2.5〜5 mg /日の範囲の用量が使用されます。.低用量OMの副作用プロファイルが低いため、長期にわたる服薬のアドヒアランスと良好な臨床反応が可能になり、脱毛の安定化と改善につながります。他のタイプの脱毛症におけるOMの有効性を検証するには、さらに多くの研究が必要であり、OMを他の一般的に使用される薬剤と評価する追加の比較研究が必要である。

Recent studies have shown that low-dose oral minoxidil (OM) is a safe and effective treatment for many hair disorders, including male pattern baldness (MPHL) and female pattern baldness (FPHL). OM has several practical advantages over its topical formulation: cosmetic enhancement, cost savings and the potential for combination therapy with other topical formulations or topicals used for camouflage. This treatment may be especially helpful for patients who cannot tolerate topical minoxidil or other systemic treatments. Doses ranging from 0.25 to 1.25 mg daily for .FPHL are typically used, and doses ranging from 2.5 to 5 mg/day for MPHL. The low side effect profile of low-dose OM allows for long-term medication adherence and good clinical response, leading to stabilization and improvement of hair loss. More studies are needed to validate the efficacy of OM in other types of alopecia, and additional comparative studies evaluating OM with other commonly used agents are needed.