


Because Minotab is metabolized in the liver, it can put a strain on the liver and cause liver dysfunction.

Even if the liver is burdened by Minotab, subjective symptoms are rare and difficult to notice. If the decreased liver function worsens, liver failure may occur. The effect on liver function is a side effect that can occur not only with Minotab, but also with other AGA medications.

Decreased liver function can be detected by blood draws, and we recommend that you undergo regular blood draws.



Minotab may have cardiovascular effects due to its vasodilator and blood pressure lowering properties. Specifically, these are cardiovascular side effects such as swelling, palpitations, shortness of breath, and chest pain.

Worse, in very rare cases, cardiac problems such as myocardial infarction, heart failure, or angina pectoris may occur. If you have any worrisome symptoms or concerns about your vascular system while taking the drug, consult a specialist immediately.



In patients with very severely elevated blood pressure, rapid blood pressure control, especially with intravenous drugs, can cause syncope, cerebrovascular disease, myocardial infarction, and ischemia of specialized sensory organs, resulting in loss or impairment of vision or hearing. Patients with circulatory disturbances or cryoglobulinemia may suffer ischemic attacks in affected organs. Such events have not been clearly associated with minoxidil use, but overall experience is currently limited.

Patients with malignant hypertension should be given initial treatment with minoxidil in the hospital setting. This is to ensure that the blood pressure is falling and that it is not falling more rapidly than expected