Shin Se-ho, the husband of actress Sagan (real name: Hong Yoo-jin), has passed away at the age of 49. The actress's agency Jump Entertainment announced the news on January 9.
The agency said, "Sagan's husband, Shin Se-ho, passed away. The deceased had no pre-existing medical conditions. Sagan is with the deceased in deep sorrow," the agency revealed.
サガンは2007年、3歳年上の会社員シン・セホさんと結婚した。その後、3歳違いで2人の女の子を出産。2015年にSBSのバラエティー番組『オー! マイベイビー』『スーパーDNA』などの番組で仲むつまじい一家の様子を公開していた。
Sagan married Shin Se-ho, an office worker three years her senior, in 2007. They later gave birth to two girls, three years apart.In 2015, they appeared on the SBS variety shows "Oh! My Baby," "Super DNA," and other programs showed the close-knit family.
The sad news of Sagan's husband, who is known as a close family friend, came as a shock to many people who learned of the news. Sagan's photo exchange site (SNS) "Instagram" has received condolence messages such as "We respectfully pray for the repose of the deceased's soul.
Sagan made his debut in 1996 in the KBS drama "Far Far Away," and subsequently appeared in "The Little Mermaid" and "Eve's Rebellion.
The altar for the late Shin Se-ho was set up in Room 10 of the Seoul Easan Hospital Funeral Home. The casket will be placed at 10:20 a.m. on January 11, and the burial site is the Seongnam Funeral and Cultural Service Center.
After the procedure, symptoms such as pain, edema, internal bleeding, and stiffness may be observed for a certain period of time. Please consult with us immediately if you feel any abnormality after the surgery, as other unexpected symptoms may appear.
Breast augmentation surgery in which bags are removed for silicone bag problems and high-quality autologous fat (Condense Rich Fat: CRF) is injected instead. Fat is harvested from the subcutaneous fat of the thighs, abdomen, etc., from which impurities such as aging cells and blood are removed by centrifugal filtration using patented technology. Combined with Vaser liposuction, a more beautiful body line is achieved.
バスト:疼痛、腫れ、内出血など。 (※この他にも予期しない症状が現れる可能性があるので、術後異常を感じた際には速やかにご相談ください。)
Liposuction site: pain, edema, internal bleeding, pigmentation, burns, sensory disturbance, bumps, sagging, twitching, etc.
Breast: pain, swelling, internal bleeding, etc. (*Other unexpected symptoms may occur, so please consult us immediately if you feel any abnormality after the surgery.)