
I wonder how people who dismiss the ice age generation as lack of effort and spoiled can say that they've made it that far.
Whenever I see the same workers beating up on the ice age generation, I think to myself, "That's not going to make Japan better.

2000年 21歳 企業:今年の募集はありません
2004年 25歳 企業:新卒のみ募集します
2014年 35歳 企業:30歳まで年齢制限上げます
2024年 45歳 企業:40歳まで年齢制限上げます

2000 21 years old Company: No recruitment this year
2004: 25 years old Company: only recruiting new graduates
2014 35 years old Company: Raising the age limit to 30 years old
2024 45 years old Company: Raise the age limit to 40 years old


I was employed after completing the 1996 school year. I made a huge mistake by relying on professor recommendations.
I had made the mistake of watching the slightly older bubble generation who had been entertained by companies to get jobs.
Upon reflection, I tried to consider the perspective of the HR side of hiring and changed my job in 2001 as a mid-career hire.
I guess I was lucky that I never met a terrible interviewer like the one in the video.

企業の面接担当官は入社5年程度の若手社員を起用する事が多い なので氷河期世代の求人応募者の面接担当官は平成バブル世代 平成バブル世代の就活は面接1回で5万円の”お車代”が出るのが常識、就活時には面接で生活してた猛者がいたとか 1人当たりの内定数は10社で、各社とも毎月海外旅行接待やソープランド接待でつなぎとめようとしてた時代

Interviewers at companies often use younger employees who have been with the company for about five years.
Therefore, the interviewers for the job applicants of the Ice Age generation are the Heisei Bubble Generation.
It is common practice for the Heisei Bubble Generation job hunters to receive a "car allowance" of 50,000 yen per interview, and there were even people who made a living from job interviews when they were job hunting.
The number of job offers per person was 10 companies, and each company tried to keep them on board with monthly overseas trips and soapland entertainment.


It has been a year since I moved to the Kansai area. I have been job hunting almost continuously and gathering information. Compared to the Kanto area where there are many people, I think the Kansai area has a higher chance of employment regardless of age if the conditions are right, and in fact I have been employed there. On-site work is scarce in the Kanto area, but in the Kansai area it is a matter of life and death. Another department of an affiliated company said that no matter how much they raised the conditions, no one would come. I am being helped there. I feel it keenly. In the past, I worked for a subsidiary of a major company that anyone who hears my name will recognize. The reality I saw there was that it was a generation that had been cut off to pay the salaries of a generation of run-away workers in their 55's and up. In addition, the main unit is the same grade, but there is no way that the 30-somethings and the runaway generation can have a 2 million difference in take-home pay. Every time I heard from my seniors about the company they were transferred to, I thought, hell. I had to leave that company due to the Corona restructuring, but I thought it was a harsh world.


I am of the ice age generation. It was a time when you could not become a regular employee unless you had connections. The society was not strong enough, and even if you could become a regular employee, you had to work in the black. That's why there are no full-time employees of that generation and there is a shortage of managers. I used to be a regular employee, but the year before last I became ill and had to shorten my working hours so that I could work hard, but the person at Hello Work told me that regular employees of that generation are rare and valuable, so it's a waste. I guess it's better than entering the company during the bubble era, getting caught up in the wave of the times, being restructured, and falling deeper and deeper into a depression.

この時代は就活終えてからも酷かったですね。携帯会社Dの倉庫で人事担当から「事務職の代わりなんていくらでもいる」とか、親から「給料出るならハラスメントにも耐えろ」と言われました。ロボット扱いされたようで、正直悔しかったです。 どの業界も人手不足だそうですが、今まで労働者をいつでも安く、取り換えられる部品と勘違いしてきたツケは自分で払うべきです。 今から労働者を大事にしても、効果が出る頃には現役引退なので、恩恵を被ることがありません。悔しい・・・。

This period was terrible even after I finished my job search. I was told by the HR manager at the warehouse of cell phone company D that there were plenty of replacements for clerical positions, and by my parents that I would have to endure harassment if they paid me a salary. I felt like I was treated like a robot, and to be honest, it was frustrating.
I heard that all industries are in need of labor, but you should pay the price for mistaking workers for cheap, replaceable parts at any time.
Even if you take care of your workers now, you will not benefit from it because they will be retired by the time it takes effect. It's frustrating...

氷河期世代真っ只中の人間です。 就活してる時も氷河期、 転職を繰り返して、40代後半になった今も転職回数の多さから、 また今も氷河期。 転職して、耐えなかった自分が悪いのかも知れないが、 氷河期はいつまで経っても氷河期のまま。 転職なんて、しなきゃ良かったのかなぁ、、、

I am a person in the middle of the ice age generation.
Even when I was job hunting, I was in the Ice Age,
I changed jobs repeatedly, and even now, in my late 40s, due to the number of job changes I've made,
Also now, still in the ice age.
Maybe it's my fault for changing jobs and not persevering,
But the ice age will always be an ice age.
I wonder if I shouldn't have changed jobs..,


I graduated from high school in 2002. As a high school graduate, I could only take the employment examination at one company at a time and received a job offer at the first company, so I joined that company. However, when I learned that college graduates have to go to many company information sessions and interview at many companies without any prospective employers and receive very few job offers, I thought that although the salary was low for a high school graduate, it was still better.


I'm from the ice age generation, but I have a non-regular job with a dormitory that pays for my living expenses.
I don't get a bonus, but I have a lot of money to spend, and I enjoy my job because the responsibilities are not too heavy.
Even if I get a full-time job now, it's not worth it because the income is not commensurate with the responsibility.