
6日午後1時半ごろ、JR品川駅の東海道線ホームに電車が到着する際に、60代の女性が線路に突き落とされました。 車内アナウンス 「ただいまこの列車におきまして、人身事故が発生いたしました」 電車内にいた人 「普通に品川駅に到着するかなと思っていたら、急にガックンとなって緊急停車しました」 女性は電車にぶつかりましたが救助され、命に別状はないということです。 電車内にいた人 「(電車では)ホーム側に座っていて、そこから見えたのは『あの人を捕まえて』って言いながら走っていく人たちと、指を指している人でした」 警視庁は、大阪府富田林市の39歳の男を殺人未遂の疑いで現行犯逮捕しました。 女性は男と面識はなく、男は列の一番前に並んでいた女性を後ろから押したとみられるということです。 男は「死ぬまで刑務所の中に入っていたいからやった」と容疑を認めています

In jail till death..." 39-year-old man arrested... pushed an unacquainted woman onto the tracks at Shinagawa Station

A woman in her 60s was pushed onto the tracks as a train was arriving at the Tokaido Line platform at JR Shinagawa Station around 1:30 p.m. on June 6. The woman was hit by the train, but was rescued and is reported to be in a stable condition. The woman was hit by the train, but was rescued and her life was not affected. The woman did not know the man, and the man is believed to have pushed the woman from behind, who was at the front of the line. The man admitted to the charge, "I did it because I want to stay in jail until I die."



 10年ほど書き溜めてあったエッセイとルポルタージュをまとめたのは、集英社インターナショナルの田中伊織さんだ。藤原新也さん、角幡唯介さん、石川直樹さんはじめ、多くのノンフィクション作家と仕事をしてきた田中さんはデビュー前から佐々さんと共に歩み、『エンジェル・フライト』『エンド・オブ・ライフ』『ボーダー 移民と難民』を世に出した。

The life of Ryoko Sasa, a human being, is also overwhelming. She grew up with parents who read picture books to her and experienced marriage and childbirth at a young age. Through twists and turns, she became a nonfiction writer just before turning 40. In November 2022, she was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor that is said to affect only one in 100,000 people, with an average life expectancy of 14 months, and she is currently fighting the disease.

 In his postscript, he writes, "I am as bad as ever. I am as bad as ever, but time is short. I feel a sense of relief that I was able to have my essays published in one volume.

 Iori Tanaka of Shueisha International compiled the essays and reportage that had been accumulated over the past 10 years. Tanaka, who has worked with many nonfiction writers including Shinya Fujiwara, Yusuke Kadohata, and Naoki Ishikawa, worked with Sasa before his debut and published "Angel Flight," "End of Life," and "Border: Immigrants and Refugees.