



A male police lieutenant in his 40s has been referred to the Fukuoka Prefectural Police on suspicion of violating the prefectural nuisance prevention ordinance (voyeurism) for voyeuristically photographing female employees with a smartphone at a men's beauty salon without a business license. The prefectural police imposed a disciplinary action of a six-month pay cut on December 14, 2011, and the lieutenant resigned on the same day.

 The lieutenant is suspected of having taken videos of female employees giving massages at an illegal men's esthetic salon in Fukuoka City on multiple occasions between August 2020 and January 2010.

 The prefectural police also sent a male police officer (in his 20s) to prosecution on suspicion of violating the Act on Prevention of Transfer of Criminal Proceeds for providing cash cards to an unidentified person, knowing that the cards would be used illegally. On December 7, 2011, the officer was given a three-month pay cut and resigned on the same day. The officer had a debt and was expecting something in return, but did not get it.

 The prefectural police have not announced either of these cases, saying that they are not subject to public disclosure.