能登半島地震 にて揺れで倒れたヤカンのお湯で5歳児がお尻や足をヤケド










A 5-year-old child was burned on his buttocks and legs by hot water from a kettle that collapsed during the Noto Peninsula earthquake.

Called an ambulance due to sores on the burns, but the ambulance refused, saying that they could not handle the burns.
↓ Call 119 again and manage to get an ambulance.
Called 119 again and managed to get an ambulance.

After the initial medical examination, the hospital refuses to admit the patient, saying, "It is not a minor injury, but not serious.
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
Two days later, the patient's condition worsens with a high fever of 41 degrees Celsius.
↓ Go to the hospital again.
Went to the hospital again, but they only prescribed medicine.
↓ Go to another hospital again the next day.
The next day, the patient goes to another hospital, but is told that "people with fever are not allowed to enter" and is put on standby.
↓ Waiting for the next day.
While waiting, the patient stopped breathing and was taken to the intensive care unit, where he died.
↓ Burns
The mother uploaded a photo of the burns and many people said, "It's a pity that they won't let him stay in the hospital.
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
In the difficult medical environment during a disaster, there is a debate about how much responsibility is demanded of hospitals.


Priority in times of disaster is a difficult issue because it is hard to know what the criteria are.
Every person's life is precious and we want to save as many lives as possible, but tragedies occur when there are not enough human resources.
My heart aches from morning.





Very low probability of happening.
For the hospitals affected, they may have had to lower their priorities.
I don't know, maybe they had to lower the priority,

From the standpoint of the family
I'm not absolutely convinced of that.

This is just a consequence of the situation,
You could have driven yourself to a hospital outside of the prefecture that was not affected by the disaster and could afford to see a doctor there.
I suppose I should have driven myself to a hospital outside the prefecture where I could afford to be examined there.

However, a layman can't judge whether the situation is that urgent or not.
I don't know if it is that urgent or not.

難病であると嘘をつき、当時交際していた女性から250万円をだましとったとして私人逮捕系YouTuberの男が警視庁に逮捕されました   詐欺の疑いで逮捕されたのは私人逮捕系YouTuberの『スーパードミネーター』改め沢田優容疑者です 警視庁により、沢田容疑者は2020  年10月に当時交際していた20代の女性に対し、難病指定されている『成人スチル病』を患っていると装った上で『治療費として3000万円が必要だ』と嘘をつき現金250万円をだまし取った疑いがもたれています 沢田容疑者に病気の症状がみられずに連絡も取れなくなったことから不審に思った女性が警視庁に相談し、事件が発覚しました  取り調べに対して沢田容疑者は『金は遊ぶために使った』と容疑を認めています

YouTuber arrested on suspicion of fraud
A YouTuber was arrested by the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department for cheating a woman he was dating at the time out of 2.5 million yen by lying about her having an incurable disease. The suspect, Yu Sawada, a YouTuber known as "Super Dominator," was arrested on suspicion of fraud. The police suspect that in October 2020, Sawada falsely claimed to be suffering from adult Still's disease, which is designated as an incurable disease, to a woman in her 20s whom he was dating at the time, and that he needed 30 million yen for medical treatment. The woman became suspicious and consulted the Metropolitan Police Department, and the case was revealed.


October 2020,
Suspected of cheating a woman he was dating out of 2.5 million yen in cash as medical expenses by lying to her that she was suffering from an incurable disease.
He admitted that he used the money to play with. 。。。。



>【スーパードミネーター沢田優】私人逮捕系YouTuberの男を逮捕 交際女性に難病を装い治療費として250万円詐取か

Sad news: A YouTuber of the private arrest system, even though he was arrested again. I was a regular scammer.

The first time I saw a YouTuber, I was like, "Oh, my God, I'm so sorry.

>The man was arrested for faking an incurable disease to defraud a woman he was dating out of 2.5 million yen as medical expenses.


Private arrest type YouTuber bugger Super Dominator has been arrested for fraud, and will probably be re-arrested for private arrest. He is a maggot who has repeatedly assaulted and injured elderly women and children in his quest for money. Are the idiots who admire YouTubers and other scum like insects under private arrest stupid?