
You showed us what no other person has done during their videos!! Thank you for covering all angles, and your regimen!! 
I got a hair transplant one year ago, however did not take minoxidil due to the side effects, despite the doctor's advise. 
I'm going to give it a shot, and you really helped influence my decision. 
Thanks again!


It’s good to see videos of people using this and sharing success stories and not just horror stories. I’m only 23 and have had thinning hair at the crown for about 5 years now which has never really gotten any worse than when I first spotted it, so I worry that using the minoxidil will just mess things up worse for me. It’s a real dilemma, especially since I’d probably look dumb with a shaved head coz my skull is an odd shape. Seeing your success though might be the catalyst for me to give it a go, suppose the worse case scenario is that it does nothing and I go back to what I have now. Thanks so much for having the balls to make these videos, I hope it all keeps working out for you man


I used to apply minoxidil on my hair, works like magic, but after a while, hair started falling again, my right forehead is now a little wider permanently. My friend experienced the same thing, only worse, his hair made him look like he‘s suffering from a serious disease, i can see the skin on the top of his head. I hope it doesn’t happen to you.


The results are incredibly visible, but in your case when you had those thinning in your frontal area, how much time did you let go until you decided to use minoxidil ??? were you diagnosed with androgenetic alopecia? Do you take finasteride other than minoxidil? It is important to know this because I have been noticing those thinning in the frontal area for 4 years, and I am somewhat afraid of using minoxidil, I would appreciate your advice please, since I am practically the same as the first month of your beginning.


I had same results with dermaroller and esential oils..and i was more bald than this guy..for all of you guys if u still have small tiny hairs on your head,it means that grass can still be back on a pitch,it takes 6 months to a year depends on method u using,but its possible if u put in consinstent effort over time..good shampoo,dermaroller,nutrition,minerals,vitamins,oils,if u decide to fight natural way as i did..not a fan of of chemicals and shit but obviously it works..